collection 001

artist – pixl

pieces – five

dimensions: 1000×1000 pixels

creation: algorithm/code

original release – 6 september 2021


collection 001 consists of 5 hyper-limited 1-of-1 NFTs from anonymous crypto-artist pixl.

each piece is a unique one-million pixel image (1000×1000) created one pixel at a time through a unique blend of traditional digital design and algorithmic code

from the artist

It is undeniable that in this cultural moment, we as humans are experiencing the most extreme level of cultural polarization we have ever seen. Yet while media, both mainstream and social, are all too eager to simplify each issue humanity faces into either black or white, true or false, right or wrong – the reality is that there is gray – everything is gray. Each one of us comes from a unique background, with a unique worldview. We hold convictions, hopes, and dreams that can only be described as anything but black and white. I hope this collection causes us to contemplate and embrace the rich texture that lies between the extremes. Life has nuance, and that nuance needs to be explored, celebrated, shared, heard, and embraced if we are to become a unified humankind marked by love for our fellow man. 

– pixl


001-01 | One Million Shades of Truth

One Million Shades of Truth depicts the dichotomy of truth in our cultural moment and explores the tension we must manage between two extreme, idealistic versions of the things we perceive. No pixel of piece 001-01 is truly black or white, but instead, one million scientifically different shades of gray are used to produce a sweeping one million pixel “gradient of truth”, revealing that nothing we see, despite our best efforts to make it so, is truly black or white.

001-02 | One Million Shades of Us (Unity Edition*)

One Million Shades of Us explores the tension of identity we see on display in our current cultural moment and reminds us that we are all human, not nearly as different as we might seem. Each pixel of piece 001-02 is unique, with no one pixel being truly black or white, but instead, one million scientifically different shades of human skin are used to produce a sweeping one million pixel “gradient of humanity”, revealing that nothing we see, despite our best efforts to make it so, is truly black or white, and that we are all part of the same family.

*All of One Million Pixel’s proceeds from the original sale and all future sales of this piece will be given to organizations demonstrating the highest levels of integrity in their pursuit of radical racial understanding, reconciliation, and unity.

001-03 | One Million Shades of Love

One Million Shades of Love explores the numerous tensions of emotion we see on display in our current cultural moment and reminds us that we are all human, experiencing life in a myriad of nuanced ways. Each pixel of piece 001-03 is unique, with no one pixel being truly black or white, but instead, one million scientifically different shades of red are used to produce a sweeping one million pixel “gradient of passion”, revealing literally one million different nuanced expressions of love and emotion. There can be no love without an understanding of what it means not to love, and this piece represents the broad expanse of this emotion – from the white hot love of passion to the deep rage stemming from a love that is too little, or yes, even too much.

001-04 | One Million Shades of Life

One Million Shades of Life explores the delicate balance of life we are experiencing in our current cultural moment, and reminds us that we are all human, experiencing that life in a myriad of nuanced ways. Each pixel of piece 001-04 is unique, with no one pixel being truly black or white, but instead, one million scientifically different shades of grey are used to produce a sweeping one million pixel “gradient of life”, revealing literally one million different nuanced expressions of life. There can be no life without an understanding of death, and this piece represents the broad expanse of this emotion – from the purity of new life to the deep green of envy and jealously that can all to easily snuff it out.

001-05 | One Million Shades of Self

One Million Shades of Self explores the most personal aspect of life in our current cultural moment – our inner self – and reminds us that we are all human, experiencing that life in a myriad of nuanced ways. Each pixel of piece 001-05 is unique, with no one pixel being truly black or white, but instead, one million scientifically different shades of blue are used to produce a sweeping one million pixel “gradient of self”, revealing literally one million different nuanced expressions of our inner world. From the bright moments of clarity to the sinister darkness of sadness and depression – this piece represents the realities of emotion, feeling, and being, those things that make us truly human.

be an owner

  • all five pieces from collection 001 will be made available individually through a unique auction lasting 1,000,000 seconds (11.5 days) on the OpenSea platform, beginning on 6 september 2021 and ending on 18 september 2021
  • if at any time during the auction, a bid of 5 ETH or above is received, the auction will immediately end, with the respective piece being awarded to the collector who placed the bid
  • at their discretion, the winner of each piece will also be eligible to receive a framed and signed edition of the purchased NFT for display